Quickly after starting to work with Tableau and being interested in Data visualisation, I also realised that I like to talk about these topics and my experiences.
By now a gave a few presentations for different sort of audiences. If it was recorded somehow, I will publish it here.
Me talking about things
Everyone’s a Hacker
Some time back I created the first draft of this talk and had the opportunity to present it at the Tableau Fringe Festival 2017 in APAC.
I posted a summary of it a while back on this blog
Triangles in Data Visualisation
A guest lecture I gave at the University of Auckland in 2018. Covering some general thoughts about Business Analysis and sitting at the intersection of Business Technology and Design, I end up covering some basic data vis principles and showcase some real life examples. I also summarised the talk in case people don’t have an hour to spend on youtube.
About the NZ Lego Map in the Project Geospatial Podcast
Shortly after I finished my NZ LEGO Map, Adam Simmons from the Project Geospatial got in touch to ask if I would talk about the project on his podcast. So I did. On the left you find 40min of me talking through the creation of the map – either with video on Youtube or without video on Spotify.
About building communities in the #DataSquadAcademy Podcast
As part of Cristian Gomez‘ DataSquadAcademy podcast, he asked me to talk about my experiences building communities, publicly such as the Auckland Tableau User Group or the DataVis Auckland Meetup and within organisations. I am/was involved with all of those several times so I tried to summarise the benefits for everybody involved (organisers, attendees and organisations) as well as some of the challenges and tips when trying to establish a new community.
Get in touch if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the aspects we talked about.
Others talking about me
The NZ Herald about my LEGO Map
Soon after I finished my NZ LEGO Map and posted about it I was contacted by somebody at the Herald who asked if they could run a story on it.
A reporter called me to ask a bunch of questions and you can find the result in this article.